Monday, January 23, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Sandy Spit n' White Bay
So this morning we awoke and got off to a slow start. So slow that the ruby dawn went on without us. I suspect they feel we sail a bit faster than them, so they wanted a lil bit of a head start... ;)
After pulling anchor Russ, today's el capitan guided the prosecutor through the buoys marking the entry/exit to Anegada and we made for Sandy Spit just next to Jost Van Dyke.
We sailed on a broad reach, one of the nice smooth and relaxing points of sail. Russ dealt with the Seas handily. Since today was such a long sail, we split duties up into two for the day and Shannon took the wheel from about midday on.. She's had a bit of sea-sickness lately but once she took the helm, it cleared up and she was in complete control.
We headed to sandy spit, that beautiful little island with intense turquoise water and white choral sand beach. Not to mention all of those teeny tiny little perfect shells that I like so much. Ruby dawn was already there, so we beached our dinghy and joined their crew in exploring the island. After completely walking around it (about a 2 minute walk) we donned fins masks and snorkels and explored the reef and it's sea life.
We then un-beached (is that a word?!!?!) the dinghy and headed back to the our ship, pulled up the anchor and motored west toward white bay. A small rain squall was at our back and by motoring we were hoping to outrun it. Unfortunately a speed boat we are NOT, and we got caught in the rain. At first it was a lil bit of a shock to the system, but then i realized that it was still 80ish degrees and I needed a fresh water shower anyway to rinse off the salt. After that I embraced it and got out from the cover of the bimmeny along with Rich and some of the rest of our crew. It was refreshing, like a summer rain, and all who were doused also enjoyed it...I think.. lol
After the squall passed and visibility increased we headed into the eastern side of White Bay and dropped both bow and stern anchors. This was something new for me and I learned a lot. We actually manually put the anchor and hundreds of pounds of chain into the dinghy and motored it out about 70-80 feet from our stern and dropped it over board. We then hitched it to our port stern cleat. Afterward, Mike, Dan and I dove down to check the anchors making sure they were set. They had both dug in beautifully and were nicely set. We also saw that we only had about 1-2 feet of clearance under the keel of our boat! This meant our depth sounder was totally off, as it currently read 5ft!!! Things could have been very bad...
White bay was beautiful! Palm trees lining a gorgeous white beach with clear blue shimmering waters. At the west end is the world famous Soggy Dollar Bar. Home of the original "pain killer" a delicious concoction famous in the BVI made with coconut milk and fruit juice and rum! We beached the dinghy, meeting all from the ruby dawn to enjoy the sunset on the beach with icy cool beverages in hand.
After sunset we headed back to the boat and enjoyed dinner. Tonight's menu? Steak, baked potatoes, peas and red wine. With a small celestial lesson laying out on the bow to follow dinner.
Life is good.
All thanks to the Creator.
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I Tarzan - You Anegada
So today is day five and it turns out that the "ruby dawns" wifi connection is a little more difficult to use than I had hoped for, so sorry about the slow updates.
Well anywho, we awoke this morning and ate breakfast, then dinghy'd in to shore to the world renouned 'Bitter End' yacht club. While the others looked around at the shops I tried to find a wifi signal. After we finished up onshore we made our way back to the ship, raised sails and headed out of the sound with mosquito rock at our back and open waters ahead.
Twas an amazing day for a sail. We had about 20-22 knots of wind with 6-7 foot swells! Amy was our captain and she was up for the challenge. The waves were taking us on our starboard side. Each swell would try to force the bow of the boat to come up into the wind and off of our chosen course. It requires quick concise action to be able to keep us on a steady heading, reacting to every will that the sea was trying to impose on us. Fortunately for us, Amy was more than up for the challenge! Mike gave us all a quick description of the needed adjustments and Amy got the hang of it in smart fashion.
We then all took turns on the helm, giving others a chance to experience the true willings of the Caribbean. I was fortunate enough to have had prior experience with these conditions, so I was longingly looking forward to my opportunity.
We sailed on a beam reach point of sail with great speed. We hit 9.5 knots/hr at one point (our current speed record for this trip)!! Just as we did two years ago, we kept a keen eye out for Anegada, as it is a true danger with its extensive coral reef system. We found the red and green buoys that formed the gateway to our anchorage. Amy threaded the needle as she expertly navigated the entrance. We then turned bow into the wind and dropped anchor.
We made such good time that we had the whole afternoon to relax, tan, swim, snorkel or just whatever. Having personally resolved that I would not need a vacation after my vacation, I grabbed my beach towel, iPhone n buds, laid on deck and commenced bronzing to Jack Johnson's greatest hits.. It was nice, real chill :)
Mike invited the crew of the Ruby dawn over for Tarzan rope and appetizers before dinner ashore. They arrived about 430. Mike and I brought the spare main halyard from the port to starboard side, then I tied figure eight and bowline knots in the end of the line. Mike then demonstrated and we all followed with our best interpretations the famous "ayyyayAyayayayayahhaaa!!" Most of our crew gave it a try. Sean and Kevin made good showings for ruby dawn, but try as we might we couldnt get Whitney and Mary Beth to give it a swing. Maybe next time...
We enjoyed company and apps as the sun set slowly on the western horizon, dipping gradually into the ocean.

Our guests then went back to the ruby dawn to freshen up and get ready for dinner ashore. As i was stowing some stuff before we left for dinner, Mike paid me a very kind compliment. I'm not sure if it was the rum pain killers talkin or what?!?!? (just kiddin). I wouldn't spoil the compliment with too much detail, but he said i was a great young man with a purpose, and had so many other kind words i was about ready to I dont generally have a huge amount of respect for many people (outside of the common courtesies and dignities deserved by all) , but i do have alot of respect for Mike. So the compliment really meant alot coming from him. I wanted to put it in the blog, not to brag, but just so i wouldn't forget it . We had joint reservations for 7ish. The restaurant was right on the beach. Between the calming sounds of the waves of the ocean, and the beautiful lights, it has a great ambience. Before dinner we all talked and made some drinks in the bar of the restaurant, (this place let's you mix your own. Sweetness!!!!)

Our table was very long, seating 16 people in all. We enjoyed entertaining conversation, including Sue's infamous story about her encounter with Mr. Mexico, which has somehow oddly found a way into the inner recesses of my memory, I know I'll never forget it..even if I ;) And Whitney made special request to make it into the blog so here you go Whit, your famous now! lol

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Our guests then went back to the ruby dawn to freshen up and get ready for dinner ashore. As i was stowing some stuff before we left for dinner, Mike paid me a very kind compliment. I'm not sure if it was the rum pain killers talkin or what?!?!? (just kiddin). I wouldn't spoil the compliment with too much detail, but he said i was a great young man with a purpose, and had so many other kind words i was about ready to I dont generally have a huge amount of respect for many people (outside of the common courtesies and dignities deserved by all) , but i do have alot of respect for Mike. So the compliment really meant alot coming from him. I wanted to put it in the blog, not to brag, but just so i wouldn't forget it . We had joint reservations for 7ish. The restaurant was right on the beach. Between the calming sounds of the waves of the ocean, and the beautiful lights, it has a great ambience. Before dinner we all talked and made some drinks in the bar of the restaurant, (this place let's you mix your own. Sweetness!!!!)
Our table was very long, seating 16 people in all. We enjoyed entertaining conversation, including Sue's infamous story about her encounter with Mr. Mexico, which has somehow oddly found a way into the inner recesses of my memory, I know I'll never forget it..even if I ;) And Whitney made special request to make it into the blog so here you go Whit, your famous now! lol
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Sailing Action
Captain Dan masterfully navigates the channel!
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Location:Francis Drake Channel
Monday, January 16, 2012
Anchors A-uh-waita-minute?!?
So today is day four and I am definitely getting tired of this main salon sleeping thing. I mean it's not all bad, my beds pretty huge, but some of our crew like to wake up very early to make coffee, and it's starting to infringe on my beauty sleep!!!! ;)
So after a not so bright and cheery morning start, we talked about onboard systems (electrical, engine etc) and made way to The Baths of Virgin Gorda. We made great time, our winds were strong, about 15 knots, and we sailed east, tacking a couple times as we approached the baths. (see sailing videos)
Once we were greeting close to The Baths I saw that intense turquoise blue color of the water in the distance and I knew we were close. It really is amazing. So we pull into the harbor and start looking for a mooring ball to tie up to (the ruby dawn had already gotten one). There are none left, so we decide to drop anchor. But just when we're about to cast anchor, the windlass quits working! Crap! What to do. Well between Mike, Rich Sharon and myself, we took it apart just enough to free the passage of the anchor chain, then we formed a human chain and dropped it down manually. Crisis averted! Crew of the Prosecutor-1 anchor windlass-0 Ha!!
We the swan ashore and after climbing through those huge amazing granite boulders and baths, did a little snorkeling in the clear blue waters, then hopped in the dinghy for a ride back to the boat. Once aboard we had a delicious chef salad waiting for us that Debbie so graciously prepared. I love eating super healthy when I'm down here, just fruits veggies and salads and stuff, natural, and not too heavy. It fits the warm climate amazingly...
Since we had a good deal of ground to cover and not alot of time to do it in, we made haste to set sail for Virgin Gorda sound. We want to reach our destination in daylight so as to avoid the reefs that form a narrow channel of entrance into the sound.
Haste we desired, and it was haste indeed that was made! The winds kicked up again, and we shook out the reef in the main sail that we had carried this morning. Making full use of both our sails we made great time, cruising along at up to 9 knots of speed, our bow crashing through the waves. I lay on the deck as we cruised along, soaking up the warm sun rays and making shapes out of the big fluffy white clouds in the sky. I think how today I'm finally hitting my stride. I mean during every boat trip i enjoy, it takes me a couple days to really get my body in tuned with the motion of the boat, the mighty hull as it storms through the seas. It's easy to be a Lil queasy the first few days, but this time I'm feeling great pretty early, so I'm very glad for that. Once there's no sea-sickness, theres nothing to dampen the beauty of the sights and experiences surrounding you.
We pick up a mooring buoy after arriving in the sound and enjoy BBQ chicken, rice, veggies and cheesecake with blueberry topping! Boat-alicious!
After dinner we lay out on deck, gazing at the stars and feeling the wind cool us down after a long day of sailing in the heat of the sun. Tonight the stars are the brightest they've shined thus far. I love the peace of it all.

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Location:Virgin Gorda
Friday, January 13, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Happy Arrrrgh (Hour)
So today I'm capn' or el capitan as we call it aboard our boat "the prosecutor"! I'm glad because I had a bit of a headache this a.m. and got a Lil seasick, so it's nice to be able to take the wheel while queasy, it actually helps quell tummy issues.
We wake up and make breakfast, banana pancakes, (just like jack Johnson's song) yummers! I've never had em till now but they will for sure be a main stay from now on :) we motor from cooper isle to the wreck of the rhone, snorkel it like last time, but this time I had a pleasant surprise. My closest sea-turtle encounter ever! I saw him and snorkeled down till I was swimming about two feet above him, they are so graceful. I didn't want to scare him so I didnt get closer or touch him. But it was an experience I'll never forget :)
We then headed out back into sir Francis drake channel and sailed for about 5-6 hours. I took the wheel while Mike taught the rest (im co-skipper this time :) about sail shape and man over board. We did this by throwing a buoy over board and practicing retrieving it while under power of sail. We all took turns naming the buoy after somebody we'd like to have walk the plank but we retrieved our buoys afterward so it was all in good fun.
We then sailed on a beam reach to marina cay for the happy arrrgh. To my dismay, Michael Bean wasn't there, another guy who sang was there instead, not nearly as funny :(
We had some pain killers and went down to the beach restaurant for dinner. And at least got some sweet sunset pics from the Cay. Check em out!

Location:Cooper Isle
Uncharted Territory!
Day Two- (One if you count travel)
So today was a great day to start off the trip, we woke up at 730ish.. I'm sleeping n the main salon so I have to wake up once the first person to start breakfast gets up and starts in the galley! Uuuggghhhhh!!! >:(
Well, I guess I can survive.. we got all of the loose ends tied up and made sure the flotilla boat in our group (a nice doctors family from Detroit) was ready and headed south out of road harbour into sir francis drake channel. I'm sail master today. We head out, point our bow into the wind, and hoist our main sail, then fall off the wind and unfurl the jib. We had great wind, 15-18 knots, and we made great time, and headed to our first destination, cooper island. Its an uninhabitable little white coral sand, turquoise water paradise! We head in and pick up a buoy. We want the other boat in our group, (from Detroit) the "ruby dawn" to get a sweet spot in the harbor too, so mike suggested one of us take the Dinghy out and tie it up to the neighboring mooring ball, then swim back to the boat. Just like Robinson Corruso! So of course Capn Gabe volunteers. So after tying it up, I swam back to the boat, but when the ruby dawn shows up, and tries to pick it up, they can't get the dinghy loosed from my "Knot of Steel" (my name for a really, really good (some say bad) knot!!)) And to make things worser, while we awaited their arrival we saw a barracuda chilling out in the shadows of our boat!!!! Yikes!!! I won't act like I wasn't a Lil scared. And now even more so, since we knew someone was gonna have to dive in and go help them untie the dinghy from the buoy!!!
So after a bit of hesitation, I gathered my gusto, and dove off the side of the boat, hoping mr barracuda had recently eaten a big meal.. D:
I swam at "supa dupa Gabe speed" and, after fighting the current, got to the dinghy, pulled myself up, and untied the knot of steel. Yaaaaayyy. Afterward we ate lunch, and went onto the beach to soak up some sun. We Chilled, tanned, and had some rum punches and listened to the gentle waves on the coral beach shore.
Then came back to the boats and enjoyed a nice sunset, music, and BBQ mahi mahi!!

And the ruby dawn has wifi, so now finding a signal to update is a breeze! :) Check out the folowing video!!! Until later all, Chips Ahoy! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Then came back to the boats and enjoyed a nice sunset, music, and BBQ mahi mahi!!
And the ruby dawn has wifi, so now finding a signal to update is a breeze! :) Check out the folowing video!!! Until later all, Chips Ahoy! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Cooper Isle
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Oh My BVI!!! (2)
Alright, as promised.. Updates!! So left Sea-Tac at 1020, connected in newark and puerto rico and, after the most tiny plane ride in the world (with some amazing views to boot!) I arrived safe!!! Check out the pics from the Cessna! Hopefully the videos load too.. :-/

And the landing was supa coo!
Then we met at the marina at road town, checked in the boat, attended chart briefing, bought provisions. Got some local fresh seafood for din-din. And retired to bed docked at the marina for the night. Tomorrow is day one of our Caribbean adventure!

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And the landing was supa coo!
Then we met at the marina at road town, checked in the boat, attended chart briefing, bought provisions. Got some local fresh seafood for din-din. And retired to bed docked at the marina for the night. Tomorrow is day one of our Caribbean adventure!
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